Brand Registration

brand registration

Common Brand-Related Problems Faced by Business Owners

Make sure to protect and register your brand.

Brand as an Important Asset

Many business owners consider the trademark registration process as an additional burden, even though a trademark is a very important intangible asset and requires adequate legal protection to maintain the distinctiveness and value of their business.

Rejection of Trademark Registration

Rejection often occurs when business owners do not verify the existence of a similar mark before registering. As a result, their trademark registration was rejected because there were already similar trademarks that had been registered by other parties.

Delay in Trademark Registration

Trademark registration is often delayed by business owners, leading to situations where, when they finally decide to register the mark, they discover that another party has already registered it for similar goods or services. This results in lost opportunities to secure rights to the brand.

Facing Subpoenas and Demands for Compensation

When a brand is deemed to imitate a brand that was previously registered by another party, the business owner can face a subpoena or even a claim for compensation. These claims often involve very large sums, adding to the financial burden and reputation of the affected business.

Register Your Brand in Indonesia, 1 Day Immediately Protected

Price only: Rp. 2,499,000 / USD 160

Requirements are only Scan of KTP and Signature.

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Get a FREE Consultation with Our Consultants?

Consultations can be done face to face (offline) at our office with prior agreement. Face-to-face online consultation using the Conference Call method using the Zoom application. Or you can consult directly via WhatsApp at the number:
Gedung Artha Graha, 26 Floor (SCBD), Jl. Jend. Sudirman No. 52-53 Jakarta Selatan, DKI Jakarta 12190


Legal & Law Office:

DNT Lawyers (Dalimunthe & Tampubolon Law Firm) | Harmoni Plaza Blok F No 10, Gambir Jakarta Pusat, 10130, Indonesia |

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