Representative Office

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Advantages of a Representative Office

By setting up a representative office, you can effectively gauge the potential of the Indonesian market, build valuable networks, and lay the groundwork for future business expansion.

100% Foreign Ownership

A representative office can be fully owned and controlled by foreign entities without the need for local directors or shareholders.

No Capital Requirements

There are no minimum share capital requirements to establish a representative office, making it a cost-effective option for market exploration.

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Exploring New Markets: Setting Up a Representative Office in Indonesia

Thinking about expanding your business into Indonesia? Discover how a representative office can help you explore new opportunities with ease.

The Problem

Entering a new market can be challenging, especially when you're unfamiliar with local regulations and business practices. Foreign companies often struggle with conducting effective market research and establishing a foothold in a new country.

The Solution

Setting up a representative office in Indonesia provides a strategic way to study the market, build networks, and explore business opportunities without the complexities of full business incorporation.

Why Indonesia?

Indonesia offers a profitable landscape for foreign investors, thanks to its large population, low minimum wages, and rich natural resources. A representative office allows foreign businesses to test the waters, assess market viability, and determine if Indonesia is the right place to establish a more permanent presence.
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Get a FREE Consultation with Our Consultants?

Consultations can be done face to face (offline) at our office with prior agreement. Face-to-face online consultation using the Conference Call method using the Zoom application. Or you can consult directly via WhatsApp at the number:

Gedung Artha Graha, 26 Floor (SCBD), Jl. Jend. Sudirman No. 52-53 Jakarta Selatan, DKI Jakarta 12190


Legal & Law Office:

DNT Lawyers (Dalimunthe & Tampubolon Law Firm) | Harmoni Plaza Blok F No 10, Gambir Jakarta Pusat, 10130, Indonesia |

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