Visa - Kitas


Investor ITAS is issued for 2 years to foreigners who invest in a PT PMA company in Indonesia as a CEO, Commissioner or a shareholder.

You should meet the following requirements to obtain an Investor Kitas:

Start from Rp. 4.999.000 / USD 315

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  • The investor should have a minimum of 1 billion IDR in shares invested.
  • The company’s paid up capital should have a minimum of 10 billion IDR, which also has a requirement to declare minimum investment plan 10 billion IDR.

The sponsor company can start sponsoring Investors once it has obtained a business registration number (NIB) and trading licenses (Ijin Usaha), foreign company investment realization report (LKPM, this report should be conducted every three months), company’s documents, the ID card and tax number of the company’s representative (should be valid)

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Consultations can be done face to face (offline) at our office with prior agreement. Face-to-face online consultation using the Conference Call method using the Zoom application. Or you can consult directly via WhatsApp on the number:


A work permit is the sole legal document that allows foreigner to work and obtain income in the territory of Indonesia.

You should meet the following requirements to obtain an Working Kitas:

Start from Rp. 4.999.000 / USD 315

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  • A work visa is issued for a specific position in a certain company, so it is not possible to obtain a work permit before employment.
  • Also, you are NOT allowed to work in several companies or in different positions at the same time.

The sponsoring company and your occupation are stated in the KITAS. Accordingly, you are not entitled to work in another position, nor to get a job in another company with this Kitas.
Work Kitas holders can act as a “sponsor” for issuing a Family Kitas (maybe issued for children under 18 years of age, as well as a spouse in an officially registered marriage).

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Get a Free Consultation with Our Consultants?

Consultations can be done face to face (offline) at our office with prior agreement. Face-to-face online consultation using the Conference Call method using the Zoom application. Or you can consult directly via WhatsApp on the number:
Gedung Artha Graha, 26 Floor (SCBD), Jl. Jend. Sudirman No. 52-53 Jakarta Selatan, DKI Jakarta 12190


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DNT Lawyers (Dalimunthe & Tampubolon Law Firm) | Harmoni Plaza Blok F No 10, Gambir Jakarta Pusat, 10130, Indonesia |

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