Director Nomenee

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Why Your Company Needs a Reliable Nominee Director to Navigate Local Compliance

Struggling with local compliance while managing your business remotely? Discover how a Nominee Director can simplify the process.

The Problem

Ensuring compliance with local regulations can be a daunting task, especially when you are not physically present in Indonesia. Navigating these complexities from afar often leads to delays, misunderstandings, and potential legal issues.

The Solution

A Nominee Director can act as your local representative, ensuring that all compliance matters are handled efficiently and in accordance with Indonesian laws. This is particularly beneficial if you are awaiting Employment Pass approval or if you need a local presence to meet regulatory.

Appointing a Nominee Director

By entrusting this role to a competent provider, you can focus on growing your business while they handle the regulatory complexities.

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Get a FREE Consultation with Our Consultants?

Consultations can be done face to face (offline) at our office with prior agreement. Face-to-face online consultation using the Conference Call method using the Zoom application. Or you can consult directly via WhatsApp at the number:
Gedung Artha Graha, 26 Floor (SCBD), Jl. Jend. Sudirman No. 52-53 Jakarta Selatan, DKI Jakarta 12190


Legal & Law Office:

DNT Lawyers (Dalimunthe & Tampubolon Law Firm) | Harmoni Plaza Blok F No 10, Gambir Jakarta Pusat, 10130, Indonesia |

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